Customer Service 1-800-221-5528

Privacy Policy

In brief, we don’t share the data that you provide for us...ever! But in case you’re interested, here are the details.

The personal data that we collect and save

We collect personal data (like name, email address, address, phone number, school, and department) and save it in our database:

  • When you create an account
  • When you request a book, eBook, or instructor’s materials
  • When you download chapters, applications, or instructor’s materials

We also keep a record of:

  • The review copies that you’ve requested
  • The instructor’s materials that you’ve requested
  • The items that you’ve downloaded

How we use the data that we collect

We only use the data that we collect in ways that we think will improve your experiences with us. That includes:

  • Sending you information about new books that you might be interested in
  • Sending you updates about books you have reviewed or adopted

With every email, you will have the chance to “unsubscribe” to future emails.

What data we share with others

  • We have never shared the information in our database with third-parties...ever...and see no reason to do so in the future.

The only exceptions, which have never happened, would be if we were required to do so by law or believed that an action was ethically necessary. For example, we might have to provide personal data:

  • To comply with a legal process such as a search warrant, subpoena, or court order.
  • Or to protect against the misuse or unauthorized use of our website.

How we secure your data

Our goal is to protect the data that we collect from you against loss, misuse, or alteration. To do that, we use a variety of technologies and practices. For instance:

  • When you make create an account or request a book, your information is transmitted in a safe, encrypted format.
  • We maintain the data you provide, along with a record of your requests, in a secure database.
  • Occasionally, our website provides links to other websites that we think you might find useful.
  • Note, however, that these sites operate independently and have their own privacy and security policies, over which we have no control.

About our links to other sites

  • Occasionally, our website provides links to other websites that we think you might find useful.
  • Note, however, that these sites operate independently and have their own privacy and security policies, over which we have no control.

What about policy changes

If our privacy policy changes, which is unlikely, we will post the changes on our web site. That’s why you may want to periodically review our privacy policy.

Any questions or comments?

For questions, comments, or assistance, please contact us:

Mike Murach & Associates, Inc.
4340 N. Knoll
Fresno, CA  93722
1-800-221-5528 or 1-559-440-9071

Murach college books and courseware since 1974