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Oracle SQL and PL/SQL (3rd Edition)

The third edition of this book works better than ever for learning how to use SQL and PL/SQL to work with an Oracle database. We’ve carefully updated every example to follow modern best practices, and we’ve streamlined it to focus on the most essential skills. 

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000 - Python for Data Science

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Python for Data Science

This Second Edition book makes learning data science fun! It shows how to use several popular Python libraries to analyze data, create effective visualizations, and build statistical models that make predictions. To keep the focus on the practical skills needed by today’s professionals, the code examples throughout the book use real-world data.

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Modern JavaScript

In the old days, JavaScript was a difficult language to learn due to some quirky features in its early versions. But now, this book can help you learn JavaScript more easily than ever by skipping the confusing old features and jumping straight to the current features and best practices of modern JavaScript. When you finish this book, you’ll have the JavaScript skills that are in such demand today.

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Tested Writing Methods

What’s great about this book is that it presents all the writing methods that you need for success on the job in just 226 pages. What’s hard to believe is that most of these methods aren’t taught in high school or in college or in other books on writing.

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3 - Courseware for trainers and instructors since 1974

Courseware for trainers and instructors since 1974

All of our books are currently used for both corporate training and college courses...just as they have been since 1974. To make that easy for trainers and instructors, we provide complete courseware. That includes behavioral objectives, PowerPoint slides, test banks, extra exercises and solutions, projects and solutions, and more.

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