Want to see your students write better than they ever have before? Just add this book as a supplementary text to your writing or communications course. It presents all the writing methods that your students need for success on the job. And it does that in a unique, top-down way that lets your students add one method at a time to their skillsets. What’s hard to believe is that most of these methods aren’t taught in high school or in college or in college textbooks.
But don’t take my word for it. Please request a free review copy today!
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My students are huge fans of your books. A few of them are even buying editions of books that we haven’t adopted as course texts—I think that speaks volumes about the effectiveness of your writing and presentation style.”
This book is for writing instructors who want to see their students make dramatic improvements in their writing in a single semester. To facilitate that, you just need to add this book as a required supplementary text to your course.
Although the focus of this book is on business writing, the tested writing methods work for all types of non-fiction. To write well, you need to think and write from the top-down, and that’s what this book will teach your students how to do.
What’s unique about this book is that most of its methods aren’t included in other books on writing. That’s true even though the tested writing methods it presents are the ones used by professional writers. That’s why the two sections in this book will help your students improve their writing in ways that other books don’t even address.
In section 1, your students will learn the tested writing methods. That includes how to use headings and subheadings to plan what you’re going to write...how to write paragraphs that sell your ideas...how to write sentences that are easy to read and understand...how to show the relationships between your paragraphs and sentences...how to write the first draft in record time...and how to edit that first draft without “thrashing.”
Then, the last chapter in section 1 shows your students how they can use chatbots like ChatGPT to improve their writing. This is a timely subject that needs to be handled in every writing course because like it or not your students will be using chatbots. But as this chapter shows, most chatbot writing leaves a lot to be desired. That’s why your students still need to master all of the methods in this book.
In section 2, your students will learn how to use the Microsoft Word features that every writer should use: templates and styles, the outline feature, and the spelling and grammar checker. If that seems out of place in a book on writing, it’s included because most writers don’t use these features, even though these features will help them write faster and better.
To a large extent, writing has been treated as more of an art than a science. In business, though, you want your writing to be more science that art. You want your emails to communicate efficiently. You want your reports to draw the right conclusions and your proposals to get results. You want your marketing and web copy to sell your products and services. In short, you want your writing to get the intended results. And any writing that doesn’t do that is a waste of time...for both the writer and the reader.
So what we mean by “tested” writing methods is that our publishing company has tested them on the job in the real world for more than 50 years. During those years, we used these methods to write dozens of books and to sell more than 1,000,000 copies of them. We also used these methods to write our emails, reports, proposals, procedure manuals, web copy, and more. From the start, the success of our company has depended 100% on how well we write...and we’ve used the methods in this book to do that writing.
When we started, though, we had to develop many of the writing methods ourselves. That’s because we couldn’t find anything useful in the dozens of books that we reviewed. That includes: How to plan what you’re going to write. How to use headings and subheadings to guide your readers. How to get the most from visuals. How to write the first draft. How to edit that first draft. And even how to write effective paragraphs.
But when it came to writing sentences, there was voluminous information in other books on writing. The trouble is that there’s so much more to good writing than writing good sentences. So when it came to writing sentences, we selected just the best methods from other books, tested them on the job, and improved them. Now, chapter 4 presents those methods in a single chapter from the top-down with the most important methods first.
Like all our books, this one has features that you won’t find in competing books. Here are five of them:
Because Tested Writing Methods has a business and technical orientation, it will work especially well for business and technical writing courses. But the methods work for most types of non-fiction. That’s why this book will help the students in most curriculums improve the writing that they do for their courses.
View the table of contents for this book in a PDF: Table of Contents (PDF)
Click on any chapter title to display or hide its content.
Why you should use headings in your documents
Why you should use a heading plan to plan the headings
A three-step procedure for planning the headings
How to choose the organization for a document
How to improve your headings and document titles
How headings and subheadings should guide your readers
Why you should use a heading plan to plan long documents
Step 1: Select and sequence the topics
Step 2: Add and sequence the subtopics
Step 3: Convert the topic and subtopic names to headings and subheadings
Step 4: Analyze and improve the heading plan
How better heading plans will lead to better writing
How poor heading plans will limit your effectiveness
The heading plans for three chapters in this book
Principle 1: Start each paragraph with the idea of the paragraph
Principle 2: Put one and only one idea in each paragraph
Principle 3: Fully develop the idea of each paragraph
Use connecting words
Use subject and word repetition
Use pronouns and pointers
Use parallel structures
How to write introductory paragraphs like topic openers
How to write paragraphs that present lists
When and how to plan the paragraphs that you’re going to write
How to measure readability
What GL scores can’t measure
Simplify your sentences
Simplify your words and phrases
Use fewer words
Use four basic sentence structures
Be specific and prescriptive
Use active voice
Avoid figurative language, trite language, and analogies
Write with a conversational style
Use some stylistic devices
Plan the visuals before you start writing
If necessary, gather the visuals
Be sure that each visual enhances the document
Try to make each visual easy to understand
Be sure that each visual is honest
Use the text to get the full value from each visual
Embed the visuals
Treat the visuals as separate components
Start the document from your heading plan
Start somewhere and keep going!
Write one good paragraph at a time
Insert the visuals as you write
If necessary, adjust the heading plan
Edit the first draft just once
If necessary, analyze the paragraphs
Proofread the edited document just once
Use your word processor to do some final checking
How to write document introductions
How to write topic openers
How to format the headings and subheadings
How to use the standard proofreading marks
An introduction to AI writing
How ChatGPT has taken AI writing to a new level
Two competing chatbots: Google Bard and Microsoft Bing
Parlor tricks
Write programming code
Present basic research
Write an essay or short report
Write like a pro
Add new perspectives and analysis
Write comprehensive reports
Write prompts that get the intended results
Use ChatGPT for research...but do your own research too
Use ChatGPT for drafts...but enhance, edit, or ignore them
Template concepts
Style concepts
How to start a new document from a template
How to apply paragraph styles
When and how to use direct formatting
Other uses of the Styles pane
When and how to use the Office templates
How to create a new style
How to modify a style
How to assign a shortcut key to a style
How to create a template
How to modify a template
How to add a table of contents to a template
How to update Word fields
How to create a custom ribbon tab or Quick Access Toolbar
How to start an outline
How to expand and collapse the headings in an outline
How to reorganize an outline
How to print an outline
How to use Outline view as you write and edit
How to use Outline view to plan and organize your work
When and how to number the headings
How to fix spelling and grammar errors as you type
How to run the spelling and grammar checker
How to get the readability statistics
The basic spelling and grammar options
Other grammar options
Subject-verb agreement
Pronoun references, dangling modifiers, and misplaced words and phrases
Comma use
Capitalization and italics
Misspelled and misused words
How to download and install the reports and templates for this book
We believe that Tested Writing Methods will improve any writing course just by making it required reading. That means that you can assign the same writing projects that you’ve assigned in the past...but you can expect to see your students make dramatic improvements in their writing.
To help you get the maximum benefit from the book, though, we also provide a limited set of instructor’s materials. Those materials include PowerPoint slides, behavioral objectives, and student projects.
The instructor’s materials start with 171 PowerPoint slides that present the methods and examples that are in the book. That makes it easy for you to review the methods in class. In fact, if you step through the slides for a chapter at the start of a class, your students will quickly see how mastering the tested writing methods will help them improve their writing.
The objectives describe the skills that your students should have when they finish each chapter. These objectives are also provided at the start of the PowerPoint slides for each chapter so you can go over them in class. Of course, the underlying objective is always for your students to apply the methods of each chapter to their own writing projects.
The four writing projects for this book ask your students to apply the writing methods to four different types of projects. The first three ask the students to write an email, a short report, and a long report. The fourth asks the students to edit an essay that was prepared by ChatGPT. This is a difficult project that requires extensive editing...and it clearly shows your students why they shouldn’t use a Chatbot for their own writing assignments.
The book download includes the two documents that are used as examples throughout the book, plus the two Word templates that are presented in chapter 8. Your students can get this download from our website.
However, you don’t have to download them, because those documents and templates are provided in the courseware. The courseware also includes the ChatGPT essay that’s required by the fourth writing project so you will have easy access to it.
On this page, we’ll be posting answers to the questions that come up most often about this book. So if you have any questions that you haven’t found answered here at our site, please email us. Thanks!
There are no book corrections that we know of at this time. But if you find any, please email us, and we’ll post any corrections that affect the technical accuracy of the book here. Thank you!
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