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Oracle SQL and PL/SQL (3rd Edition)

by Joel Murach
17 chapters, 560 pages, 240 illustrations
Published September 2024
ISBN 978-1-943873-19-7
List price: $59.50

The more things change, the more they remain the same. Even with dramatic technological changes such as the rise of cloud computing and AI, Oracle Database remains a dominant database, especially for mission-critical enterprise systems.

The newly updated third edition of this book makes it easier than ever to teach a course that shows how to use SQL and PL/SQL to work with an Oracle database. It works equally well for beginners who have no coding experience or experienced programmers who need to develop applications that work with an Oracle database. Request your review copy today!

Now available as a Canvas course!

The Canvas course file contains all the objectives, quizzes, assignments, and slides that you need to run an effective course. It only takes a few clicks to import it into the Canvas LMS. Then, you can customize it for your course when it is available. Learn more.

Murach books have a reputation for accessibility to the novice user. Murach’s Oracle SQL and PL/SQL is just as accessible to the novice, but also contains plenty to assist other Oracle users.... the result is a book that is great for Oracle novices, but also great for intermediate users.”

David O’Meara,

  • About this Book
  • Table of Contents
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  • Corrections

Book description

Section 1: An introduction to SQL

This section presents the concepts and terms for working with any database. Then, it shows how to use SQL Developer to work with an Oracle database.

Section 2: The essential SQL skills

This section presents the essential SQL skills for retrieving data from a database and for adding, updating, and deleting that data. These skills move from the simple to the complex so students won’t have any trouble if they’re new to SQL. But these skills are also sure to raise your expertise even if you already have SQL experience.

Section 3: Database design and implementation

This section shows your students how to design a database and how to implement that design by using SQL statements to create a database. In addition, it shows how to create views and manage database security. Finally, it shows how to host an Oracle database in the cloud.

Section 4: The essential PL/SQL skills

This section shows your students how to use Oracle’s procedural language, PL/SQL, to create stored procedures, functions, and triggers. In addition, it shows how to manage transactions and locking.

Book features

Here are three features that will help your students learn faster and better.

It starts by showing how to query a database

This book starts by showing how to query an existing database rather than showing how to create a new database. Why?

First, it’s motivating for your students to see results right away, and querying can provide immediate results with just a single line of code. Second, querying an existing database helps your students gain insight into the decisions that have to be made when designing a database. As a result, learning how to query a database first makes it easier for students to learn how to design a database later.

It shows how to use Oracle SQL Developer

To work with an Oracle database, this book shows how to use SQL Developer, an intuitive graphical user interface. This makes learning easier than using SQL*Plus, a command-line interface that has a steeper learning curve.

It presents hundreds of real-world examples

This book contains hundreds of example SQL statements that range from the simple to the complex, and every one of them is included in the download for this book. That way, your students can quickly get the idea of how a feature works from the simple examples and also see how the feature works in the real world from the complex ones.

What’s new for this edition

  • We added a new chapter on using the Oracle Cloud Autonomous Database service to host an Oracle database in the cloud.
  • We added coverage of container databases (CDBs) and pluggable databases (PDBs) to chapter 10.
  • We added a new appendix that shows how to use macOS with this book.
  • We added coverage of analytic functions to chapter 5.
  • We streamlined chapters 1 and 2 to help your students get started more quickly.
  • We combined chapters 8 and 17 to consolidate coverage of the temporal data types in a single chapter.
  • We updated the entire book to reflect modern best practices.

What courses this book can be used for

  • As the main text for any SQL course.
  • As a supplementary text for a traditional database course.

What software your students need

  • Oracle Database XE (Express Edition) or the
    Oracle Cloud Autonomous Database service
  • Oracle SQL Developer

This software is available for free, and appendixes A (Windows) and B (macOS) show how to install it.

View the table of contents for this book in a PDF: Table of Contents (PDF)

Click on any chapter title to display or hide its content.

Section 1 An introduction to SQL

Chapter 1 An introduction to relational databases and SQL

An introduction to client/server systems

The hardware components of a client/server system

The software components of a client/server system

Other client/server architectures

An introduction to the relational database model

How a database table is organized

How tables are related

How columns in a table are defined

An introduction to SQL and SQL-based systems

A brief history of SQL

A comparison of four relational databases

SQL statements and comments

An introduction to SQL statements

Typical SQL statements

SQL coding guidelines

How to code comments

Chapter 2 How to use SQL Developer

How to use SQL Developer to work with a database

How to create a database connection

How to navigate through the database objects

How to view the column definitions and data for a table

How to use SQL Developer to run SQL statements

How to enter and run a SQL statement

How to handle syntax errors

How to open and save SQL scripts

How to code and run SQL scripts

How to use the Oracle Database documentation

Section 2 The essential SQL skills

Chapter 3 How to retrieve data from a single table

An introduction to the SELECT statement

How to interpret syntax in this book

The basic syntax of the SELECT statement

SELECT statement examples

How to code the SELECT clause

How to code column specifications

How to name the columns in a result set

How to code string expressions

How to code arithmetic expressions

How to use scalar functions

How to use DISTINCT to eliminate duplicate rows

How to code the WHERE clause

How to use the comparison operators

How to use the AND, OR, and NOT logical operators

How to use the IN phrase

How to use the BETWEEN phrase

How to use the LIKE operator

How to use the REGEXP_LIKE function

How to use the IS NULL condition

How to code the ORDER BY clause

How to sort by a column name

How to sort by an alias, an expression, or a column number

Two more skills

How to use the row limiting clause

How to test expressions

Chapter 4 How to retrieve data from two or more tables

How to work with inner joins

How to code an inner join

When and how to use table aliases

How to use compound join conditions

How to use a self-join

How to join more than two tables

How to use the implicit inner join syntax

How to work with outer joins

How to code an outer join

Outer join examples

Outer joins that join more than two tables

How to use the implicit outer join syntax

Other skills for working with joins

How to combine inner and outer joins

How to join tables with the USING keyword

How to join tables with the NATURAL keyword

How to use cross joins

How to work with unions

The syntax of a union

Unions that combine data from different tables

Unions that combine data from the same table

How to use the MINUS and INTERSECT operators

Chapter 5 How to code summary queries

How to work with aggregate functions

How to code aggregate functions

Queries that use aggregate functions

How to group and summarize data

How to code the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses

Queries that use the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses

How the HAVING clause compares to the WHERE clause

How to code complex search conditions

How to summarize data using the ROLLUP CUBE clause

How to use ROLLUP

How to use CUBE

How to code analytic functions

How analytic functions work

How to code frames

Two more examples of frames

How to use named windows

How to use the ranking functions

Chapter 6 How to code subqueries

An introduction to subqueries

How to use subqueries

How subqueries compare to joins

How to code subqueries in search conditions

How to use subqueries with the IN operator

How to compare a subquery with an expression

How to use the ALL keyword

How to use the ANY and SOME keywords

How to code correlated subqueries

How to use the EXISTS operator

Other ways to use subqueries

How to code subqueries in the FROM clause

How to code subqueries in the SELECT clause

Guidelines for working with complex queries

A complex query that uses subqueries

A procedure for building complex queries

How to use subquery factoring

How to use the WITH clause

How to code a recursive query

How to use the hierarchical query clause

Chapter 7 How to insert, update, and delete data

How to create test tables

How to re-create the tables for this book

How to create a table from a SELECT statement

How to insert new rows

How to insert a single row

How to insert default values and null values

How to use a subquery to insert multiple rows

How to update existing rows

How to update rows

How to use a subquery in an UPDATE statement

How to delete existing rows

How to delete rows

How to use a subquery in a DELETE statement

How to commit and roll back changes

Chapter 8 How to work with data types and functions

Data type overview

How to work with character data

The character data types

How to use character functions

How to parse a string

How to work with numeric data

The numeric data types

Common number format elements

How to use numeric functions

How to search for floating-point numbers

How to work with temporal data

The temporal data types

Common datetime format elements

How to use datetime functions

How to perform a date search

Common timestamp and interval formats

How to use timestamp functions

How to use interval functions

How to use the EXTRACT function

How to convert data from one type to another

How to convert characters, numbers, and dates

How to sort strings in numerical sequence

How to perform a time search

How to convert characters to and from their numeric codes

Other functions you should know about

How to use the CASE expression

How to use the COALESCE, NVL, and NVL2 functions

How to use the GROUPING function

Section 3 Database design and implementation

Chapter 9 How to design a database

How to design a data structure

The basic steps for designing a data structure

How to identify the data elements

How to subdivide the data elements

How to identify the tables and assign columns

How to identify the primary and foreign keys

How to enforce the relationships between tables

How normalization works

How to identify the columns to be indexed

How to normalize a data structure

The seven normal forms

How to apply the first normal form

How to apply the second normal form

How to apply the third normal form

When and how to denormalize a data structure

Chapter 10 How to create a database

How to work with container databases

An introduction to CDBs and PDBs

How to create and drop a pluggable database

How to work with tables

How to create a table

How to code a primary key constraint

How to code a foreign key constraint

How to code a check constraint

How to alter the columns of a table

How to alter the constraints of a table

How to rename, truncate, and drop a table

How to work with indexes

How to create an index

How to drop an index

How to work with sequences

How to create a sequence

How to use a sequence

How to alter a sequence

How to drop a sequence

How to automatically generate ID values

A script that’s used to create a schema

An introduction to scripts

How the DDL statements work

How to use SQL Developer

How to work with tables, indexes, and sequences

How to display an EER diagram for a table

Chapter 11 How to create views

An introduction to views

How views work

Benefits of using views

How to work with views

How to create a view

How to create an updatable view

How to create a read-only view


How to insert or delete rows through a view

How to alter or drop a view

How to use SQL Developer with views

Chapter 12 How to manage database security

How to work with users and roles

How to create a user

How to create an admin user

How to alter and drop a user

How to create and drop a role

How to work with privileges and synonyms

System privileges and object privileges

How to grant privileges

How to revoke privileges

How to work with synonyms

A script that creates roles and users

How to view the privileges for users and roles

How to use SQL Developer

How to create an admin connection for a PDB

How to work with users

How to grant and revoke roles

How to grant and revoke system privileges

Chapter 13 How to host a database in the cloud

How to get started with Oracle Cloud

The Oracle Cloud portal

How to create a database in the cloud

How to create a user for a schema

How to create the tables for a schema

How to view the database objects for a schema

How to use SQL Developer with a cloud database

How to connect to a cloud database

How to run SQL against a cloud database

More skills for working with a cloud database

How to restore and delete a cloud database

How to restart a cloud database

Section 4 The essential PL/SQL skills

Chapter 14 How to write PL/SQL code

An introduction to PL/SQL

An anonymous PL/SQL block in a script

Statements for working with PL/SQL and scripts

How to code the basic PL/SQL statements

How to print data to an output window

How to declare and use variables

How to code IF statements

How to code CASE statements

How to code loops

How to use a cursor

How to work with composite variables

How to use collections

How to use records

How to work with exceptions and errors

How to handle exceptions

Predefined exceptions

How to drop database objects without displaying errors

Chapter 15 How to manage transactions and locking

How to work with transactions

How to commit and roll back transactions

How to work with save points

How to work with concurrency and locking

How concurrency and locking are related

How to set the transaction isolation level

Best practices for concurrency

Chapter 16 How to create stored procedures and functions

How to code stored procedures

How to create a stored procedure

How to call a stored procedure

How to code input and output parameters

How to code optional parameters

How to raise a predefined exception

How to raise a user-defined exception

A stored procedure that inserts a row

How to drop a stored procedure

How to code functions

How to create and call a function

A function that uses multiple RETURN statements

How to drop a function

How to work with packages

How to create a package

How to drop a package

How to use SQL Developer

How to view and drop procedures, functions, and packages

How to edit and compile procedures and functions

How to grant and revoke privileges

How to debug procedures and functions

Chapter 17 How to create triggers

How to work with triggers

How to create a trigger for a table

A trigger that enforces data consistency

How to use conditional predicates

How to create a trigger for a view

How to create a system trigger

How to enable, disable, rename, or drop a trigger

Other skills for working with triggers

How to create a compound trigger

A trigger that causes the mutating-table error

How to solve the mutating-table problem

How to use SQL Developer

How to view, enable, disable, rename, or drop a trigger

How to edit a trigger


Appendix A How to set up Windows for this book

How to install Oracle Database XE

How to install Oracle SQL Developer

How to download the files for this book

How to connect as the sysdba user

How to create the schemas for this book

How to import connections for the schemas

How to make sure your system is set up correctly

How to stop and start the database service

Appendix B How to set up macOS for this book

How to download the files for this book

How to install Oracle SQL Developer

How to set up the database for this book

How to create the connections for this book

How to make sure your system is set up correctly

The instructor’s materials that you can request from this site provide everything you need for an effective course.


  • Help your students focus on the skills that they should master.

Test banks

  • Provide a way to test comprehension.
  • Can be imported to all modern LMSs.
  • Are designed to test the skills described by the objectives for each chapter.
  • Use only multiple-choice test questions because they have the highest validity.

Extra exercises

  • Give your students a chance to gain valuable hands-on experience.
  • Can be used for assessing coding skills since the solutions aren’t available to students (unlike the exercises that are printed in the book).

PowerPoint slides

  • Summarize the critical information presented in the book.
  • Start with the instructional objectives for each chapter.

For a detailed description of all the materials, please see the Instructor’s Summary PDF when it is available.

If you use the Canvas LMS, we also provide a Canvas course file that you can use to import most of these materials with just a few clicks.

We’ll be posting answers to the frequently asked questions (FAQs) for this book here. So if you have any questions, please e-mail us. Thanks!

There are no book corrections that we know of at this time. But if you find any errors in this book, please e-mail us so we can post the corrections here. Thank you!

Murach college books and courseware since 1974