As its title implies, this book presents all of the SQL Server 2016 skills that application developers need on the job (for the most recent edition, see our SQL Server 2019 edition). As such, it’s a great book for a SQL course. It can also add real-world perspective when it’s used as a supplementary text in any database course.
I was concerned about changing texts, but the student feedback on your SQL Server text has been amazing. I have had students buy this text who had previously not bought a text since first year."
This section presents the concepts and terms for working with any database. Then, it shows how to use Microsoft SQL Server 2016 and the Management Studio to run SQL statements on a PC.
This section presents all the skills for retrieving data from a database and for adding, updating, and deleting that data. These skills move from the simple to the complex, and they include skills like using outer joins, summary queries, and subqueries.
This section shows how to design a database and how to implement that design by using either SQL statements or the Management Studio. When your students are done, they’ll be able to design and implement their own databases.
This section presents database features like views, scripts, stored procedures, functions, triggers, cursors, and transactions. It also shows how to manage database security and how to use the features for working with XML and BLOB data. These features illustrate the power of a database management system. Then, this section ends with an introduction to CLR integration, a feature that allows developers to create database objects using the C# or Visual Basic language.
Like all our books, this one has all of the Murach features that help your students learn faster and better. But here are a couple of features that are unique to this book.
Unlike most SQL books, this one starts by showing how to query an existing database rather than showing how to create a new database. Why?
For one thing, it’s motivating to see results right away, and querying provides that for your students; database design requires more study and background before you see results. But querying also helps to provide that kind of background, giving your students insight into the kind of decisions that have to be made in the design phase and the effects they have down the road.
As a result, doing querying first makes it easier for students to learn how to design and implement a database in section 3. And it also prepares them for using database features like views and stored procedures in section 4.
Like all our books, this one includes hundreds of examples. In this case, though, the examples are SQL statements that range from the simple to the complex. That way, your students can quickly get the idea of how a SQL feature works from the simple examples, but they’ll also see examples that illustrate real-world complexity...a feature that’s often missing in other SQL books.
SQL Server 2016 won’t install on Windows 7 or earlier. So your students need to have a later operating system to practice with the book examples or to do the chapter exercises on their personal systems.
To work with SQL Server as shown in this book, your students can download all the software they need from Microsoft’s website for free. That includes:
In appendix A in the book, your students will find complete instructions for installing these items on their PCs. And in chapter 2, they’ll learn how to use them.
To work with the application code shown in chapter 19, on BLOBs, your students can use an Express Edition of Visual C# or Visual Basic. These products are also available from Microsoft’s website for free.
Because sections 3 and 4 are written as independent modules, you don’t have to teach all four sections of this book in sequence. For example, you can teach some or all of the advanced SQL skills of section 4 before you teach section 3 on database design and implementation.
Similarly, because the chapters in section 4 are modular, you don’t have to teach them in sequence and you don’t have to teach them all. When in doubt, of course, we think the book sequence is a good one. But if you’re short on time, you can skip some of these chapters.
"Gave your SQL Server text a strong recommendation at Microsoft. I required their MTA certification as the final exam in the SQL course in the Fall. 15 of 17 passed."
- Keith E. Kelly, CIT Development Program Coordinator, Northwestern Michigan College
"I was concerned about changing texts, but the student feedback on your SQL Server text has been amazing. I have had students buy this text who had previously not bought a text since first year."
- Professor/Program Coordinator, Ontario
"By far the best introductory text I have come across for SQL Server, and I have reviewed and used many."
- Daniel A. Joseph, MIS Professor & Consultant, Rochester Institute of Technology
"The most positive feature of the book is the simple informative writing. Wow! I think a lot of thought went into this book before they ever wrote a word."
- Michael Robbins, Denver Visual Studio .NET Users Group
"From an academic perspective, I believe instructors will find this text comprehensive and easy-to-use. The student does not receive assignments that are abstract and pie-in-the-sky, but rather they develop projects comparable to real-life development activity."
- Eric Nothiesen, Enterprise Developers Guild
"The Perfect Book for Application Programmers: If you’re new to using SQL Server in your applications, this book will save you a lot of time. It teaches you about SQL, database design, a lot about admin (which many developers have to do; not everywhere has dedicated DBAs), and even provides C#/Visual Basic.NET example code. The advanced SQL is excellent. Highly recommended."
- David Bolton, Software Developer/Technical Writer and Reviewer
"Although I have used SQL Server on a daily basis for over 15 years, I was amazed at the number of new things that I learned while reading this book. I used a couple of the ideas to create a noticeable improvement in response time for one of my client/server projects."
- Brian Mishler, Orlando .NET User Group
"This book exceeds my expectations for books that teach database and software development. A wonderful book for both learning and mastering SQL Server."
- David Haertzen; posted at Infogoal.com
View the table of contents for this book in a PDF: Table of Contents (PDF)
Click on any chapter title to display or hide its content.
The hardware components of a client/server system
The software components of a client/server system
Other client/server system architectures
How a database table is organized
How the tables in a relational database are related
How the columns in a table are defined
How relational databases compare to other data models
A brief history of SQL
A comparison of Oracle, DB2, MySQL, and SQL Server
An introduction to the SQL statements
Typical statements for working with database objects
How to query a single table
How to join data from two or more tables
How to add, update, and delete data in a table
SQL coding guidelines
How to work with views
How to work with stored procedures, triggers, and user-defined functions
Common data access models
How to use ADO.NET from a .NET application
Visual Basic code that retrieves data from a SQL Server database
C# code that retrieves data from a SQL Server database
A summary of the SQL Server 2016 tools
How to start and stop the database engine
How to enable remote connections
How to connect to a database server
How to navigate through the database objects
How to attach a database
How to detach a database
How to back up a database
How to restore a database
How to set the compatibility level for a database
How to view the database diagrams
How to view the column definitions of a table
How to modify the column definitions
How to view the data of a table
How to modify the data of a table
How to enter and execute a query
How to handle syntax errors
How to open and save queries
An introduction to the Query Designer
How to display the MSDN website
How to look up information on the MSDN website
The basic syntax of the SELECT statement
SELECT statement examples
How to code column specifications
How to name the columns in a result set
How to code string expressions
How to code arithmetic expressions
How to use functions
How to use the DISTINCT keyword to eliminate duplicate rows
How to use the TOP clause to return a subset of selected rows
How to use comparison operators
How to use the AND, OR, and NOT logical operators
How to use the IN operator
How to use the BETWEEN operator
How to use the LIKE operator
How to use the IS NULL clause
How to sort a result set by a column name
How to sort a result set by an alias, an expression, or a column number
How to retrieve a range of selected rows
How to code an inner join
When and how to use correlation names
How to work with tables from different databases
How to use compound join conditions
How to use a self-join
Inner joins that join more than two tables
How to use the implicit inner join syntax
How to code an outer join
Outer join examples
Outer joins that join more than two tables
How to combine inner and outer joins
How to use cross joins
The syntax of a union
Unions that combine data from different tables
Unions that combine data from the same table
How to use the EXCEPT and INTERSECT operators
How to code aggregate functions
Queries that use aggregate functions
How to code the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses
Queries that use the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses
How the HAVING clause compares to the WHERE clause
How to code complex search conditions
How to use the ROLLUP operator
How to use the CUBE operator
How to use the GROUPING SETS operator
How to use the OVER clause
How to use subqueries
How subqueries compare to joins
How to use subqueries with the IN operator
How to compare the result of a subquery with an expression
How to use the ALL keyword
How to use the ANY and SOME keywords
How to code correlated subqueries
How to use the EXISTS operator
How to code subqueries in the FROM clause
How to code subqueries in the SELECT clause
A complex query that uses subqueries
A procedure for building complex queries
How to code a CTE
How to code a recursive CTE
How to use the SELECT INTO statement
How to use a copy of the database
How to insert a single row
How to insert multiple rows
How to insert default values and null values
How to insert rows selected from another table
How to perform a basic update operation
How to use subqueries in an update operation
How to use joins in an update operation
How to perform a basic delete operation
How to use subqueries and joins in a delete operation
How to perform a basic merge operation
How to code more complex merge operations
Data type overview
The numeric data types
The string data types
The date/time data types
The large value data types
How data conversion works
How to convert data using the CAST function
How to convert data using the CONVERT function
How to use the TRY_CONVERT function
How to use other data conversion functions
A summary of the string functions
How to solve common problems that occur with string data
A summary of the numeric functions
How to solve common problems that occur with numeric data
A summary of the date/time functions
How to parse dates and times
How to perform operations on dates and times
How to perform a date search
How to perform a time search
How to use the CASE function
How to use the IIF and CHOOSE functions
How to use the COALESCE and ISNULL functions
How to use the GROUPING function
How to use the ranking functions
How to use the analytic functions
The basic steps for designing a data structure
How to identify the data elements
How to subdivide the data elements
How to identify the tables and assign columns
How to identify the primary and foreign keys
How to enforce the relationships between tables
How normalization works
How to identify the columns to be indexed
The seven normal forms
How to apply the first normal form
How to apply the second normal form
How to apply the third normal form
When and how to denormalize a data structure
The SQL statements for data definition
Rules for coding object names
How to create a database
How to create a table
How to create an index
How to use snippets to create database objects
An introduction to constraints
How to use check constraints
How to use foreign key constraints
How to delete an index, table, or database
How to alter a table
How to create a sequence
How to use a sequence
How to delete a sequence
How to alter a sequence
How the script works
How the DDL statements work
How to create a database
How to delete a database
How to create, modify, or delete a table
How to work with foreign key relationships
How to work with indexes and keys
How to work with check constraints
How to examine table dependencies
How to generate scripts for databases and tables
How to generate a change script when you modify a table
How views work
Benefits of using views
How to create a view
Examples that create views
How to create an updatable view
How to delete or modify a view
How to update rows through a view
How to insert rows through a view
How to delete rows through a view
How to use the catalog views
How to create or modify a view
How to delete a view
How to work with scripts
The Transact-SQL statements for script processing
How to work with scalar variables
How to work with table variables
How to work with temporary tables
A comparison of the five types of Transact-SQL table objects
How to perform conditional processing
How to test for the existence of a database object
How to perform repetitive processing
How to use a cursor
How to handle errors
How to use surround-with snippets
How to use the system functions
How to change the session settings
How to use dynamic SQL
A script that summarizes the structure of a database
How to use the SQLCMD utility
Stored procedures, user-defined functions, and triggers
An introduction to stored procedures
How to create a stored procedure
How to declare and work with parameters
How to call procedures with parameters
How to work with return values
How to validate data and raise errors
A stored procedure that manages insert operations
How to pass a table as a parameter
How to delete or change a stored procedure
How to work with system stored procedures
An introduction to user-defined functions
How to create a scalar-valued function
How to create a simple table-valued function
How to create a multi-statement table-valued function
How to delete or change a function
How to create a trigger
How to use AFTER triggers
How to use INSTEAD OF triggers
How to use triggers to enforce data consistency
How to use triggers to work with DDL statements
How to delete or change a trigger
How transactions maintain data integrity
SQL statements for handling transactions
How to work with nested transactions
How to work with save points
How concurrency and locking are related
The four concurrency problems that locks can prevent
How to set the transaction isolation level
Lockable resources and lock escalation
Lock modes and lock promotion
Lock mode compatibility
Two transactions that deadlock
Coding techniques that prevent deadlocks
An introduction to SQL Server security
How to change the authentication mode
How to create login IDs
How to delete or change login IDs or passwords
How to work with database users
How to work with schemas
How to grant or revoke object permissions
The SQL Server object permissions
How to grant or revoke schema permissions
How to grant or revoke database permissions
How to grant or revoke server permissions
How to work with the fixed server roles
How to work with user-defined server roles
How to display information about server roles and role members
How to work with the fixed database roles
How to work with user-defined database roles
How to display information about database roles and role members
How to deny permissions granted by role membership
How to work with application roles
How to work with login IDs
How to work with the server roles for a login ID
How to assign database access and roles by login ID
How to assign user permissions to database objects
How to work with database permissions
An XML document
An XML schema
How to store data in the xml data type
How to work with the XML Editor
How to use the methods of the xml data type
An example that parses the xml data type
Another example that parses the xml data type
How to add an XML schema to a database
How to use an XML schema to validate the xml data type
How to view an XML schema
How to drop an XML schema
How to use the FOR XML clause of the SELECT statement
How to use the OPENXML statement
Pros and cons of storing BLOBs in files
Pros and cons of storing BLOBs in a column
When to use FILESTREAM storage for BLOBs
How to create a table with a varbinary(max) column
How to insert, update, and delete binary data
How to retrieve binary data
The user interface for the application
The event handlers for the form
A data access class that reads and writes binary data
How to enable FILESTREAM storage on the server
How to create a database with FILESTREAM storage
How to create a table with a FILESTREAM column
How to insert, update, and delete FILESTREAM data
How to retrieve FILESTREAM data
A data access class that uses FILESTREAM storage
How CLR integration works
The five types of CLR objects
When to use CLR objects
How to enable CLR integration
How to deploy an assembly
How to deploy a CLR object
How to drop an assembly
The five editions of SQL Server 2016 Express
How to install SQL Server 2016 Express with Tools
How to install the files for this book
How to create the databases for this book
How to restore the databases for this book
How to install Visual Studio Express
If you aren’t already familiar with the supporting courseware that we provide for a book, please go to About our Courseware. As you will see, our courseware consists of the end-of-chapter activities in the book, the files in the student download at our retail site, and the instructor’s materials. These components provide everything that other publishers provide in a way that delivers better results.
If you are familiar with our courseware, here’s a quick summary of the courseware for this book. For a detailed description in PDF format, please read the Instructor’s Summary.
Appendix A in the book gives your students complete instructions for downloading and installing these items on their PCs.
Below are the answers to the questions that have come up most often about this book. If you have a question that isn’t answered here, please email us. Thanks!
SQL Server 2016 Express requires Windows 8 or later as the operating system.
This error occurs when you have an older version of SQL Server (besides the 2016 version) installed on your system. Often, you aren’t even aware that this older version is on your system because the software was installed as part of another product, such as Visual Studio.
To solve this problem, you can use the SQL Server Configuration Manager to view the instances of SQL Server that are running on your computer. This lets you view their names. Then, you can use the SQL Server Management Studio to connect to the correct instance. After you connect, you can make sure you are connected to the correct version by viewing the version number of the server in the Object Explorer window.
Here’s how the version numbers correspond to the product names:
There are no book corrections that we know of at this time. But if you find any, please email us, and we’ll post any corrections that affect the technical accuracy of the book here. Thank you!
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