This book, now in its third edition, has been a staple in mainframe education since the early 1980s. Many programmers have told us that it has the best conceptual background on CICS they’ve ever seen. As a result, your students will gain insight into how CICS fits into the mainframe structure as they learn the details of CICS application programming. And, yes, this book will outperform any training materials that are available from IBM.
Although this book was published in 2001, trainers at mainframe shops tell us that CICS programming is still being done the way it’s presented in this book. Today, however, most CICS work is maintenance programming on “legacy” applications.
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CICS (Customer Information Control System) is the world-class transaction processor that’s used for interactive transactions on IBM mainframe computers. The vast majority of the CICS code for those applications is in the form of CICS commands that are embedded within COBOL programs, which is why this book is called CICS for the COBOL Programmer.
The overall goal of this book is to show your students how to develop CICS programs. To get them started right:
At that point, your students will be able to develop CICS programs of their own, and they’ll have a solid understanding of what they have to do to become proficient CICS programmers. For a college course, that may be all that you want to assign.
There’s more, though:
Of particular interest are the last three chapters in section 6:
Like all of our books, this one has features that you won’t find in other books. But here are three that are specific to this book:
If you offer mainframe programming courses in your curriculum, this book can be used for a complete course in CICS programing. It can also be used as an information-only supplement to a COBOL programming course to show how CICS is integrated with COBOL in a COBOL/CICS program on a mainframe.
Since CICS applications run on IBM mainframes, this book is best used in curricula that provide free access to an IBM mainframe. Then, your students can compile and test their exercises and projects on that mainframe.
If your school doesn’t have access to an IBM mainframe, you can use this book to teach CICS programming as an information-only course. Then, you won’t need a computer lab at all. This can work in conjunction with a COBOL course when you just want your students to know what’s different about CICS programming and where it fits in the IT job market.
To view the table of contents for this book in a PDF, just click on the link below:
Since this book was published in 2001, it doesn’t have all of the courseware components described in About our Courseware. What follows, though, is a quick summary of what’s available with this book. For a more detailed description in PDF format, please read the Instructor’s Summary.
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There are no book corrections that we know of at this time. If you find any, please email us, and we’ll post any corrections that affect the technical accuracy of the book here. Thank you!
This is our site for college instructors. To buy Murach books, please visit our retail site.