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Murach’s Java Programming (6th Edition)

This is the 6th Edition of our best-selling Java book. Since 2001, it has been used by thousands of beginning and experienced programmers to master the Java skills that are essential, whether you’re creating desktop, web, or mobile applications. Now revised to cover Java SE 17 and updated throughout, it focuses on today’s best practices, covers both NetBeans and Eclipse, and makes it easier than ever to learn Java, even if you’ve never programmed in any language before.

Murach’s Java Servlets and JSP (3rd Edition)

Our Java Servlets and JSP book builds on your core Java skills to teach you one way to do web programming with Java. There are other options available today, but Servlets/JSP is the classic approach that you’ll often find in companies that have invested heavily in Java over the years.

Beginning Java with Eclipse and Beginning Java with NetBeans

We have two Beginning Java books – one for Eclipse, one for NetBeans – that cover up through Java 8. They have a slower pace than the Java Programming book above. And they have a lot less coverage of certain topics, especially when it comes to GUI and database handling. Still, one of them could be the right choice if you’re just getting started with Java.

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